Bible reading planS



This year we invite you to read a portion of the Old Testament with our church called the History Books. This section of the Bible includes Joshua to Esther and covers roughly 1000 years of history. Many of the individual stories like Samson or David and Goliath may be well known, but much of these writings may be unfamiliar to you. However, they repeatedly tell the story of God's faithfulness in the midst of our human struggle. We think you will be encouraged and challenged as you see time and time again a holy and loving God keeping his promises and showing his power in the midst of rebellion. The echoing questions throughout these chapters are, "Who can save us? Who can heal and lead us?" As you see human failure again and again it becomes clear that no human judge, prophet, or king can accomplish what we need ... which directs our hearts and longings toward Jesus. With that in mind, we will end the year reading about the words and works of Jesus in the Gospel of Mark.   Read along with us!

The first Sunday of each month during the Sunday School hour we will offer a class to discuss the readings, click here to sign up for the class.


Overviews of Old Testament books from the Bible Project

Online commentary from The Bible Recap: This resource is designed for a reading plan that the whole Bible in a year, but because we are starting with the book of Joshua we will being part way through the podcast.  You can access them on YouTube here or access them on iTunes or Spotify from their website here 

General Questions to Help You Explore the Bible

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